Large Group


Chi Alpha meets at 7pm and 9pm on Tuesdays in Jesse Wrench Auditorium in South Memorial Union. Chi Alpha Worship Gathering is fun and serious, energetic and laid-back. It is an hour-and-a-half that can change your life. It is intended for both Christians and those who are searching. Chi Alpha Worship Gathering is a time to hang out with God and with each other.

Small Groups

Small groups are weekly gatherings of roughly 8-15 students. They can be based around a Bible study or a common interest. They are a place to get to know people better than the Chi Alpha Worship Gathering will allow, to share struggles, and to receive support from peers. They are all lead by students in our group. Check out the small groups we offer for girls and guys!


English Club
Wednesdays at 3:30 pm in the Student Commons by the bookstore

English is tough! Especially when its your second language. If you're an international student looking to practice your English skills or someone just looking to make new friends, this is the group for you! We will focus on english slang and idioms not normally taught in your usual english class. See ya there!